Nala - born/fædd: 23/8/2019
Damn: Manasteins Bella/ Sire: Nordicch Isch Rw-18 CIB Clanlee / Lord of the Rings
Pedigree FCI - Ættbók frá Hundaræktunarfélagi Íslands
Hnéskeljaskoðun/ luxating patella: 0/0
Augnskoðun/eyes certificate: Clear (2021)
DNA results*/**: PH: A, CMR2: A, BNAT: A, DM: A, PRA-PRCD: A, HU: A, VWd1: A , CDDY-IVDD: N/N
Augnskoðun/eye certificate: Clear
Hnéskeljavottorð/patella luxation 0/0
Show results: 29.02.2020: puppy 6-9 months. Heiðursverðlaun (SL), 2.sæti í besta hvolpatíkin.
Review from judge: ,,very nice temperment, nice fem. head, good pigment, corr. prop., good topline, a little champagne coloru in the body but accapteble for a puppy, good croup, corr. tail, stands good on the feet, when she does moves she moves well.''
Review from owner: Nala has an excellent temperment and is a happy dog. She did really well in the basic dog training classes. She is hardworking and smart. She is loveble, kind and happy.
Umsögn eigenda: Nala er kát og glaðlynd. Stóð sig mjög vel á grunnnámskeiði í hundaþjálfun. Nala er yndisleg og elskuð til tunglsins og til baka.
*taken by a veterinarian who scanned microchip and matched it, sealed the test and they were sent to Gensol Diagnostics, canine genetic testing. **A (CLEAR/NORMAL): These dogs have two copies of the normal gene and will neither develop nor pass this mutation to their offspring.